Tag: Adi Nochur

One minute, one slide: March 2018 Presentations

One minute, one slide: March 2018 Presentations

Below are the “One Minute, One Slide” presentations shared by members of the WalkBoston staff at the March 29, 2018 Annual Celebration.

Bob Sloane #UnChokeTheThroat Allston / I-90 Advocacy effort

Stacey Beuttell WalkMassachusetts Network

Adi Nochur Complete Streets in Chelsea

Dorothea Hass Neighborhood Slow Streets

Brendan Kearney #ClearCurbCuts Snow Clearance video

One minute, one slide: Complete Streets in Chelsea

One minute, one slide: Complete Streets in Chelsea

Below is a “One Minute, One Slide” presentation shared by a member of the WalkBoston staff.
Text provided is as presented at this year’s annual event on March 29, 2018.

Adi Nochur 

The City of Chelsea, a community of 40,000 people just north of Boston, is promoting health, safety and economic opportunity through the development of Complete Streets that work for all road users.

In 2017 WalkBoston organized two neighborhood walk audits in Chelsea, participated in the City’s Re-Imagining Broadway initiative, and testified in support of the City’s Complete Streets policy to build momentum for safer streets for everyone.

With the policy successfully passed, we now look forward to supporting Complete Streets implementation in 2018, and to highlighting the opportunities for continued progress with a community walk on May 2nd!  

Chelsea Park Square Walk Audit

March 2018 Newsletter

March 2018 Newsletter

Building on nearly 30 years of advocacy in more than 100 cities and towns across the Commonwealth, WalkBoston has adopted a framework on how to make Massachusetts more walkable. This framework is guided by a set of principles that will challenge us to evaluate new technologies, continue to create evidence-based best practices, and address equity and inclusion more specifically in our community engagement. This newsletter edition is the second in a two-part series designed to share our goals with the larger WalkBoston community and encourage each of you to lace up your shoes and get involved. Click here to read the first newsletter in this series.

Age-Friendly Walking – better walking for all ages
By Adi Nochur/Project Manager, WalkBoston
The pedestrian/transit connection—walking to transit
By Erik Scheier/Project Manager, MBTA
#ClearCurbCuts Letter to the Globe
By Carol Steinberg/Board Member, WalkBoston

Download the March 2018 Newsletter PDF