Ways to Give
What does it take to move our work forward?
The support of people like you.
With every dollar that you give, you are making a community more walkable.
Your support of WalkMassachusetts influences state and local transportation policies and designs, addresses social and physical barriers to walking, and benefits those who depend on walking the most: people with lower incomes, seniors, children, and people with disabilities.
The quickest and easiest way is tomake a donation through our GiveSignUp page
Mail a check
If you would prefer to send a check, please make payable to WalkMassachusetts and mail to:
50 Milk Street, 16th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Company sponsorship / support
Your company can contribute to our work on our corporate support page.
Matching donations
Remember to check with your employer about matching gift programs as a way to double or even triple your impact.
Stock, rollover, donor advised funds
To Donate Shares of Stock to WalkMassachusetts Through Our Fidelity Investments Brokerage Account:
Recipient Name: WalkBoston, Inc. (DBA WalkMassachusetts)
Recipient Account Number: X01-718904
Receiving Brokerage Firm: Fidelity Investments
Depository Trust Clearing (DTC) Number: 0226
PDF Directions to donate stock
IRA Rollover
Under a special tax code provision, a taxpayer age 70 1/2 or older can elect to transfer funds directly from an IRA to a qualified charitable organization. This so-called “charitable rollover” is limited to $105,000 per year for individuals and $210,000 per year for married couples.
PDF Directions of our IRA Charitable Giving guide
Donor Advised Funds
DAF Direct makes it easier to support your favorite charities by giving directly from your donor-advised fund. Connect to your Fidelity, Schwab, or BNY Mellon Charitable account at DAF Direct.
Planned Giving
A gift in your will is a simple and meaningful way to support our work. Read our planned giving guide and consider a gift to WalkMassachusetts.