One minute, one slide: WalkMassachusetts Network

One minute, one slide: WalkMassachusetts Network

Below is a “One Minute, One Slide” presentation shared by a member of the WalkBoston staff.
Text provided is as presented at this year’s annual event on March 29, 2018.

Stacey Beuttell

Did you know that there is a new complete streets committee and advocacy group called Walk Goshen?

Did you know that the City of New Bedford is putting on a demonstration day to highlight their Safe Routes to Park work?

Did you know that in Melrose, they received complete streets funding to improve pedestrian safety around the middle and high schools? Based on our recommendations, by the way.

You would know all of this if your group were part of WalkBoston’s newest program called the WalkMassachusetts Network!

No money down . . . no need to be a 501(c)(3) . . . no participation requirements!

Sign up now and get:

  • access to biannual statewide gatherings to learn from your peers
  • emails chock full of walking information that you need to know
  • guidance on outreach tools – like how to design an awesome website like our new one!!
  • Talking points to meet with legislators and convince them that walking is the best!

No limits on this offer. No data breaches to worry about. No collusion with big auto. Guaranteed. 

Register now at

statewide network

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