Tag: annual report

How to tune in to the annual meeting

How to tune in to the annual meeting

Missed the event? You can watch the recording here.

Today’s the day! The WalkBoston 31st Annual Celebration is tonight, 3/24 at 5pm ET.

Our board had pledged to match $5,000 worth of donations from tonight’s event (both donations made through Eventbrite RSVPs & this GoFundMe page this evening). If you’re tweeting about the event, tag us @walkboston and use the hashtag #WalkBoston31st

Our 2020 Annual Report was released in conjunction with our 31st Annual Meeting on March 24, 2021. Click the cover to read the report.

How to tune in:

  • Sign up on Eventbrite! If you RSVP’d on Eventbrite prior to this week, an email went out Monday night with the Zoom link.
  • Registered more recently? The Zoom link was included in your confirmation email. If you can’t find that email, two more automated Eventbrite reminders with the Zoom link will go out this afternoon: 2 hours before & 10 minutes before the event starts.
  • Not sure if you registered? If you are logged in to Eventbrite, this online event page will include the Zoom link.
  • Not able to make it? A recording of the event will be available after the event.

Golden Shoes will be awarded to:

Our panelists: 

  • Tracy A. Corley, PhD – Director of Research and Partnerships at the Conservation Law Foundation
  • Mike McGinn – Executive Director at America Walks
  • Jodie Medeiros – Executive Director at Walk San Francisco
  • Alexander Train, AICP – Director, Department of Housing and Community Development for the City of Chelsea

We’re rolling out a “Thank You” effort, and want you to take part!

  • Contact your local elected officials & public works/planning staff. Let them know you like the creative use of public space shown possible through the MassDOT “Shared Streets & Spaces” and “Shared Winter Streets & Places” programs (that you’ll hear more about during the event), and that you want to see more! You can see a full list of projects funded on this page, along with project descriptions.
  • Copy us on your message: comments@walkboston.org
  • Not sure what to say? You can keep it simple:

Thank you, _____, for [insert the part of the project description in your city/town that you like]. 

I really like these programs and want to see continued creative use of street space and a focus on walking safety with MassDOT funding support.

Thanks, Your name & address