Downtown Chelsea and Surroundings Walking Map

Downtown Chelsea and Surroundings Walking Map

An unexpected delight, Chelsea offers a glorious setting, restored downtown, civic center, and hilly views of the harbor and downtown skyline. Looming over the city is the Tobin Bridge–a dramatic landmark that is stunning seen from below. The bridge and harbor setting highlight Chelsea’s traditional role as a gateway into Boston.

Chelsea fronts on Boston Harbor, at the merging of two rivers–the Mystic and Chelsea Creek. This location has made it a natural way for products and people traveling into Boston. As the metro area has grown, Chelsea has been a welcome haven for immigrants, providing inexpensive housing, ample job opportunities, and supportive social services.

This walk covers Chelsea end to end, ranging from Admiral Hill to Powderhorn Hill, both capped by old military hospitals. Along the way you will see a dynamic city, always open to diversity. Look for the influence of ethnic traditions on the street life, restaurants, and shops in this small gateway to Boston.

Click for WalkBoston’s Downtown Chelsea and Surroundings Walking Map on Google Maps


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