Improving Walking Conditions in Chesterfield

Improving Walking Conditions in Chesterfield

Image of Chesterfield's Town Center, a white 2-story building, with a lawn and concrete sidewalk in front and steps leading to the building. On the other side of the sidewalk, a blue minivan waits at a T-intersection to cross onto the 2-lane road.
Chesterfield Town Center was an important point along the walk audit, as participants were eager to find ways to reduce speeds here.

WalkBoston, along with a group of about 9 participants including residents, Select Board members, Town Highway staff, and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for Chesterfield’s MassDOT District, conducted an in-person walk audit along Chesterfield’s Main Road through the Town Center, on Thursday, September 23rd. This walk audit was preceded by a virtual Ped101 session with a group of 11 residents. 

Residents in Chesterfield, are interested in improved walking connections around the Town Center, including more pedestrian visibility at crossings on Main Road, reducing speeds in the Town Center, and considering extending the sidewalk to the Chesterfield General Store. Residents are also eager for more age-friendly walking infrastructure, particularly in Russel Memorial Park, where seating options for those looking for a spot to rest or place to sit with friends and neighbors are few and far between or inaccessible. WalkBoston’s forthcoming summary report of the walk audit process in Chesterfield will offer recommendations to the Town for improvements and funding opportunities that will help support and encourage walking for those of all ages and abilities in Chesterfield. 

The Hilltown CDC, together with Healthy Hampshire and WalkBoston, are leading a 5-year grant project to promote Age-Friendly Walkability in the Hilltowns Village Centers, funded by the Dept. of Public Health’s Healthy Aging Fund. In partnership with community residents and leaders, the team will be conducting a series of walk audits in partnering Hilltowns villages. The goal of these walk audits is to identify infrastructure improvements and policy changes to make village center walking safe and enjoyable for people of all ages in the Hilltowns. The town of Chesterfield is one of the partnering communities in this grant project.

A group of people stand at a mid-block crossing with pedestrian signage and discuss conditions.
Participants in the Chesterfield walk audit stop at a crosswalk to discuss safety.
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