Ware Age-Friendly Walk Audit – Report

Ware Age-Friendly Walk Audit – Report

On Friday, November 15th, WalkBoston conducted a walk audit in Ware, MA. The town of Ware is currently in the process of developing a Bike and Pedestrian plan and a Complete Streets Prioritization plan. The town requested this walk audit to help inform these processes. The audit focused on the walkability of Ware’s low-income, environmental justice neighborhood and of the connectivity of this neighborhood and senior housing complexes to areas of town with a high density of goods and services. This walk audit was completed as part of WalkBoston’s Age-Friendly Walking initiative, which is a three year, statewide initiative to improve walking conditions for people of all ages in rural and gateway communities of Massachusetts through policy implementation and built environment change.

To learn more about this walk audit you can read the report here:
WalkBoston – WARE walk audit report FINAL


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