Tag: Concord Avenue

Concord Avenue Reconstruction Comment Letter

Concord Avenue Reconstruction Comment Letter

March 5, 2009

Cambridge Department of Public Works 147 Hampshire Street,
Cambridge, MA 02139

Attn: Rebecca Fuentes, Community Relations Manager

Dear Ms. Fuentes:

WalkBoston is the Commonwealth’s leading advocate for pedestrians and safe walking. We work throughout the state – encouraging walking, supporting pedestrian improvements and sponsoring walks. We have extensive experience in helping residents and local governments with pedestrian issues, safe routes to schools, and safer street crossings and sidewalks.

We are very pleased to support the application by the City of Cambridge for Public Works Economic Development (PWED) funding for the Concord Avenue Reconstruction project, from Fresh Pond Parkway to Blanchard Road. The proposed improvements will make the corridor safer and more attractive for walkers, thus encouraging local trips on foot, and longer trips via transit.

We believe the balance of improvements for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles is an appropriate mix for this important urban corridor.


Wendy Landman
Executive Director