Revere Safe Routes to School Program Results

Revere Safe Routes to School Program Results

Revere Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program Results September 2012 – May 2014
The Revere SRTS Program was designed to increase the number of children walking to elementary school by providing safety training, encouragement programs, on-­‐street improvements to traffic safety, and education to students and their families. Nationally, SRTS programs have increased student physical activity and strengthened communities, while decreasing traffic congestion around schools.

The specific program goal is to shift children’s travel from their parent’s cars to walking trips. The motivations of participants, parents, municipal staff, WalkBoston and program funders have been diverse, ranging from improving children’s health to enhancing community-­‐school connections to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from school trips.

Summary of Results
During its first two years the program has been very successful.

  • With all six Revere elementary schools participating the number of students who live within a half mile of school have increased by 100%, 69%, 44%, 11%, 5% and 2%. (See Figure 1 and Table 1.)
  • This increase comprises approximately 470 more students regularly walking to school in Revere each day.
  • The shift in travel mode has also resulted in an estimated reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Revere of approximately 177.47 tons of GHG annually (to be confirmed by MAPC). Because mode shift programs are so difficult to track at the community level, WalkBoston is very pleased to have the tools and datea to show this reduction.

Read the full report here:

WalkBoston Revere SRTS Results

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