FAQs about WalkMassachusetts Network
1. How can my organization or committee join the Network?
Fill out this survey (located at walkboston.org/walkMAnetwork) and answer a few questions about your organization. That basic organizational information – your community and organization’s name, with a link to find out more – will be listed in an online directory so people in your own community can get involved. We’d encourage you and other members of your group to then join the Discourse forum.
If you would like more information on the registration process, please email walkMAnetwork@walkboston.org or call WalkBoston at 617.367.9255.
2. Can groups choose how much to participate?
Yes. The extent of your organization’s participation is up to you. As part of the Network, you will have access to online resources and will receive invitations to statewide gatherings. Active participation and information sharing strengthens the Network. Your organization’s contribution of local successes, removal of barriers, and ideas that have impacted walkability in your community are of value to us all.
3. Must we be a recognized municipal organization or a 501(c)3?
No. Any type of organization, committee or group that is interested in working on walking can join.
4. Is there a membership fee?
No. There is no cost to participate. Each organization is guaranteed free entrance to WalkMassachusetts Network events for two people. If others from the organization would like to attend, a nominal fee may be charged to help us cover costs. Scholarships will also be available. The online Discourse forum is free for everyone, and we’d encourage anyone to take part.