Watertown Square: Impacts of Charles River Road Realignment Concepts on Pedestrians
The Town of Watertown, working with VHB, is testing different concepts regarding Charles River Road with the goals of improving overall traffic safety and wayfinding, and of enhancing the pedestrian experience in Watertown Square. WalkBoston, funded through the EOPSS Pedestrian Safety Initiative, was asked to provide the Town with additional information on the effects of VHB’s realignment concepts on people walking through the Square.
The Charles River Road options consider the implications of realigning Charles River Road to meet up with Riverside Road, and test different vehicular direction options on pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic flows and safety. Options 1-4 realign Charles River Road with Riverside Road, and Options 5 and 6 maintain the existing alignment with minor adjustments to travel lanes and curb lines, and add multi-modal facilities.