Tag: turning traffic

Comments on Improvements to the Walter St and Bussey St Intersection

Comments on Improvements to the Walter St and Bussey St Intersection

November 13, 2015

Chris Osgood, Chief of Streets
Boston City Hall
Boston, MA 02201

Re: Improvements to the Walter Street and Bussey Street Intersection

Dear Mr. Osgood,

We have just been made aware of plan by the Boston Public Works Department for improvements to the intersection of Walter and Bussey Streets in Roslindale. We have been told that the plans appear to be finalized and ready for bidding.

The intersection has a high crash rate and its improvement is a high priority for many residents of Roslindale and West Roxbury who drive, walk, or bike to the Arnold Arboretum and other local institutions. Neighboring residents have a deep knowledge of problems with the intersection and want to have a design that reflects neighborhood concerns. An open and public process for designing the intersection is essential.

The design shows that turning radii will be altered to help calm turning traffic. However, through traffic and the high speeds of vehicles on Walter Street remains a potential hazard for people on foot. Traffic signals may be needed immediately for adequate protection for pedestrians. For the intersection, concurrent walk signal phasing and leading pedestrian intervals would improve safety for people crossing the street. This signal may also encourage walking to the Arnold Arboretum from residences on this side of the green areas.

Sidewalks should be added on the west side of Walter Street within the project limits. A second crosswalk south of Bussey would improve convenience and safety for people on foot and would increase the visibility of the intersection for people in cars.

Signs that mandate “yield to pedestrians on turns” should be installed at all crosswalks. Right turns on red should be prohibited for further safety for pedestrians.

Thank your for your consideration of these factors that would protect pedestrians at this intersection. We look forward to your reaction to community input and to the preparation of alternative designs.


Wendy Landman
Executive Director

Cc Stefanie Seskin, Active Transportation Director