Tag: snow removal

WalkBoston Comments on 2022 MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program EEA#11202

WalkBoston Comments on 2022 MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program EEA#11202

February 6, 2023

Secretary Rebecca Tepper
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Attn via email: Eva Vaughan

Re:  2022 MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program EEA#11202

Dear Secretary Tepper:

WalkBoston commented on MassDOT’s Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) on Snow and Ice Control in 2018 and again in March 2021. Our 2021 comments were incorporated into the Certificate issued by EOEEA in 2021.

WalkBoston has continued to follow MassDOT’s efforts regarding the clearance of sidewalks, curb ramps and traffic islands that are under the agency’s jurisdiction, and we are pleased that the 2022 ESPR includes several new commitments to sidewalk snow clearance.

One important step that MassDOT has taken since 2021 is the provision of grant funding of up to $50,000 to help municipalities purchase snow removal equipment for pedestrian and bicyclist facilities through its Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program. While not directed to MassDOT owned sidewalks, this program should help to increase sidewalk snow clearance on municipal sidewalks.

As stated on page 15 of the ESPR, approximately 43% of MassDOT roads have adjacent sidewalks amounting to approximately 1,300 miles of sidewalks located mostly in the central village and downtown areas of various communities. The new steps called out by MassDOT in the ESPR (pages ES-5 and 15) are the following:

  • New for the 2022/23 winter, MassDOT plans to hire more “seasonal” snow and ice employees that report directly to MassDOT to help with sidewalk clearing as well as other activities.
  • MassDOT will continue to evaluate vendor reimbursement rates and pay codes to enlist more contractors for sidewalk maintenance services and better reflect the variable snow removal efforts for large storms versus smaller storms.

When MassDOT reports on the outcomes of its 2022 ESPR we ask that the following information be included so that WalkBoston and others can see how successful the new efforts are at providing safe and accessible sidewalks.

  1. Provide a map showing the location of the 1,300 miles of MassDOT sidewalks, and indicate which of these miles were covered by work orders for clearance by MassDOT or its contractors.
  2. Include sidewalk clearance responsibilities in the table showing MassDOT SICP roles and responsibilities (Table 1.2 on page 6 of the report)
  3. Provide information about the cost of sidewalk snow clearance provided by MassDOT or its contractors – similar to that provided in Table 1.9 for lane miles.

We look forward to continuing to work with MassDOT on this important public safety and mobility issue.

Best regards,

Brendan Kearney

Deputy Director of Advocacy, WalkBoston

Continued emphasis on snow clearance for pedestrians!

Continued emphasis on snow clearance for pedestrians!

MassDOT’s recently published Snow and Ice Control Program details many of the steps that MassDOT will take to deal with the impacts of its application of chemicals on roadway, a required filing to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental and Energy Affairs (EEA). 

In 2021, WalkBoston urged regulators to require MassDOT to include specific, trackable and verifiable progress toward meeting the scope of pedestrian needs in its next filing on the MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program, and to use its own Pedestrian Plan commitments as the baseline for reporting. 

At the end of December 2022, MassDOT released an update, which includes these passages: 

  • “Chapter 1 provides an update on MassDOT’s roadway lane-miles and describes new measures to build capacity to address the snow and ice removal needs on sidewalks and pedestrian facilities as identified in the 2019 Pedestrian Transportation Plan and as requested by the WalkBoston following review of the 2022 ESPR SOW Plan.”
  • “New for the 2022/23 winter, MassDOT plans to hire more ‘seasonal’ snow and ice employees that report directly to MassDOT to help with sidewalk clearing as well as other activities. MassDOT will continue to evaluate vendor reimbursement rates and pay codes to enlist more contractors for sidewalk maintenance services and better reflect the variable snow removal efforts for large storms versus smaller storms. MassDOT also provides grant funding of up to $50,000 to help municipalities purchase snow removal equipment for pedestrian and bicyclist facilities through its Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program. Details on eligible projects can be found at the following link: https://www.mass.gov/shared-streets-and-spaces-grant-program

We are pleased that MassDOT has made new commitments to improve their maintenance of state owned sidewalks. WalkBoston will follow up with MassDOT at the end of the 2022/23 winter season to learn how the new initiatives have been carried out, whether they have proved successful, and to find out whether the agency will plan any additional adjustments to continue making improvements. Check out the links below to read the report for yourself!


Boston.com: “Should the city remove snow from sidewalks, just like it does for Boston’s streets?”

Boston.com: “Should the city remove snow from sidewalks, just like it does for Boston’s streets?”

Boston.com: “Should the city remove snow from sidewalks, just like it does for Boston’s streets?

Brendan Kearney, deputy director of WalkBoston, an advocacy organization aimed at making walking easier and safer in Massachusetts, told officials Cambridge has taken up efforts, as have Newton and Framingham to varying degrees. “There are definitely examples here in Massachusetts as well,” Kearney said.

Representatives from WalkBoston and the LiveableStreets Alliance — which advocates for safe streets — advised Boston councilors to consider areas to prioritize snow clearing based on community input, and to include sidewalk plowing and direction on where to leave snow piles as part of its snow plow contracts, among other recommendations.

“I’m just super impressed by what Syracuse is doing,” Kearney said. “That is a great, great model for Boston.”

Posted March 18, 2021

View the presentation we shared with the city council:

MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program Comment Letter

MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program Comment Letter

March 12, 2021

Secretary Kathleen A. Theoharides
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Attn via email: Eva Murray

Re:  MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program EEA#11202

Dear Secretary Theoharides:

WalkBoston commented on MassDOT’s Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) on Snow and Ice Control in 2018 and has continued to follow the agency’s efforts regarding the clearance of sidewalks, curb ramps and traffic islands that are under MassDOT’s jurisdiction. While we do believe that MassDOT’s staff agree that sidewalk snow clearance is an important safety, equity and mobility issue, we are disappointed in their lack of progress since 2018.

Our comments reiterate this importance and report on some of the work that WalkBoston has done to urge MassDOT to take more effective planning and operational steps.

As laid out by MEPA in 2018 (page 4), MassDOT’s scope relative to sidewalks was as follows:

“The DSW for the 2022 ESPR should include a response to comments received on the FESPR. In its comments on the DESPR, WalkBoston requested that the ESPR include more information about snow and ice control measures for pedestrian facilities. The FESPR noted that MassDOT will soon complete a statewide Pedestrian Transportation Plan that will include recommendations for improving pedestrian conditions affected by snow and ice. Consistent with MassDOT’s policy to promote alternate modes of transportation, including walking and bicycling, and implementation of its Complete Streets design program, the 2022 ESPR should provide a summary of the findings and recommendations of the Pedestrian Transportation Plan and describe any snow and ice control measures that will be implemented by MassDOT to improve pedestrian conditions. The DSW for the 2022 ESPR should identify any additional analyses or tracking of salt use associated with pedestrian facilities that will be included in the ESPR consistent with the scope and purpose of the SICP ESPRs.”

The Statewide Pedestrian Transportation Plan was completed in 2019 and very clearly called out sidewalk snow clearance as critically important, and as one of the responsibilities for MassDOT to lead on as a transportation and equity issue. It also stated that MassDOT needs to assume responsibility for sidewalk snow removal for some roadways that are under MassDOT’s direct care and control. The text of the Plan which describes these responsibilities is shown below (highlights provided by WalkBoston).


With its abundance of historic town centers, compact neighborhoods, urban areas, and natural resources, Massachusetts is home to premier walking environments. However, conditions for walking vary widely from one place to another. A simple stroll can quickly turn challenging or even impossible in the face of discontinuous sidewalks, missing curb ramps, unplowed snow, or unsafe intersections.


Prioritize improvements for people walking by proactively addressing gaps and barriers that discourage walking and are known to increase likelihood of crashes. MassDOT shall address deficiencies– from sidewalks gaps and missing crosswalks, access to transit, and snow and ice removal, for example.


Initiative 5: Launch a year-round maintenance and operations plan for MassDOT-owned pedestrian facilities and support municipalities to do the same.

Year-round maintenance of pedestrian facilities ensures the continual comfort and safety of the people who use them, but also extends the lifespan of the facilities themselves. MassDOT has a comprehensive process for inventorying the condition of curb-to-curb roadway pavement and for clearing snow and ice on all roadways and bridges travelled by vehicles. This initiative establishes actions to add pedestrian facility maintenance and operations to this work. MassDOT is moving towards a proactive and systematic data collection strategy to identify facilities in need of attention. MassDOT has already gathered data on curb ramp condition as part of the Statewide ADA Transition Plan.


Action 2: Pilot a winter snow and ice removal initiative on pedestrian facilities in order to provide the basis for development of a comprehensive plan – and an understanding of potential barriers to make such a program permanent.

Measures for tracking progress (on Actions)

Note: Part of the initiative is defining the maintenance standards and operational plans for snow and ice removal that will apply to these measures.

  • Percentage of MassDOT pedestrian facilities that are covered by regular snow and ice operations
  • Equity check: Do certain populations live in areas where fewer pedestrian facilities are covered by regular snow and ice operations?

The Plan outlines significant and important attention to sidewalk snow and ice removal, and we applaud the Plan. However, MassDOT’s efforts to date have not improved sidewalk snow clearance rates on MassDOT-owned facilities. Our March 1, 2021 letter to MassDOT Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver is included below and outlines our disappointment in the progress since the 2019 Plan.

Specific comments regarding the Status Report that MassDOT submitted to MEPA in February 2021 

Page 2, Section 1.2 Organization and Format – We are disappointed that sidewalks are not called out here as a section and not mentioned as one of the issues to be addressed.

Section 2.1 Preliminary responses – A number of the preliminary responses are quite specific and note progress toward addressing the issues. Given the specificity of MassDOT’s Pedestrian Plan regarding sidewalk snow clearance, and the requirements in the MEPA Certificate, we think that MassDOT’s answer (shown below) is incomplete and does not accurately characterize the barriers described in a recent presentation by MassDOT to the Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (a Board established by legislation whose members are appointed by the Governor) where staff indicated that MassDOT had not been able to secure contractors to clear additional sidewalks, or enter into meaningful agreements with municipalities to clear MassDOT-owned facilities.

MassDOT Answer (page 6 of the update)In the last few years, MassDOT has committed additional resources to provide snow and ice control on approximately 10% of the sidewalks adjacent to their roadways focusing on key areas with relatively high pedestrian usage. This effort is in the early stages of development and MassDOT will likely add more sidewalks into its winter maintenance program as resources become available. The status of this effort will be updated in the 2022 ESPR.

Following the MABPAB meeting (January 27, 2021) WalkBoston reached out to MassDOT staff to secure clarification on progress on sidewalk clearance. We followed this up with a letter to the Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver and are awaiting his response.

Forwarded message ———

From: Stacey Beuttell <sbeuttell@walkboston.org>

Date: Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 11:12 AM

Subject: MassDOT Sidewalk Snow Removal Pilot

To: <Jonathan.Gulliver@dot.state.ma.us>

Cc: Jacqueline DeWolfe (DOT) <jacqueline.dewolfe@state.ma.us>

Hi Jonathan. 

I wanted to check in with you regarding MassDOT’s sidewalk snow shoveling pilot program that is now in its second year. Several members of the MassDOT Operations and Maintenance team recently updated MABPAB on the current status of the program and relayed the many barriers that have prevented MassDOT from entering into meaningful agreements with vendors to clear MassDOT-owned sidewalks. They reported that only 8.7% of MassDOT-owned sidewalks are currently being cleared by either MassDOT staff or by contractors. Furthermore, they reported that despite making changes to the sidewalk snow removal RFP this year, no qualified vendors applied for the contract. So, needless to say, people have been unable to walk safely on most MassDOT sidewalks throughout this snowy winter. I’m reaching out to see if there are ways WalkBoston can help with this issue, one that we feel is vitally important for year-round safe walking across the state.

I followed up with Jackie DeWolfe who suggested that I reach out to you. She reiterated MassDOT’s commitment to clearing sidewalks of ice and snow, and suggested that some of the barriers are outside of MassDOT’s control – for example, lack of labor market for sidewalk snow removal; and varying rules and capacities within municipalities to clear sidewalks. WalkBoston is eager and excited to find ways that we can support MassDOT and we are hoping to better understand the contract/municipal agreement issues and to get more sidewalks plowed. What next steps do you suggest we take to better understand the barriers and MassDOT’s work to date to overcome them? I would be happy to set up a Zoom call to discuss these questions with you. 

We know that this is an incredibly complex issue to solve. We know that you are likely as disappointed that the pilot program has now stalled for two snow seasons, as we in the advocacy community are, due to vendor/contract issues. I look forward to talking with you and discussing ways we can support forward movement on this important MassDOT priority.

Thanks Jonathan. I hope you have a good week.

Stacey Beuttell

We urge MEPA to require MassDOT to include specific, trackable and documented progress toward meeting the scope of pedestrian needs in its next filing on the MassDOT Snow and Ice Control Program, and to use its own Pedestrian Plan commitments as the baseline for reporting.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this critical issue for the safety, equity and mobility of Massachusetts residents.

WalkBoston would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about our comments.


Stacey Beuttell                                                                  Wendy Landman
Executive Director                                                           Senior Policy Advisor

January/February 2020 Newsletter

January/February 2020 Newsletter


Snow clearance: my view (and queries) from my wheelchair
By Amy Hunt/South End resident
Newton’s snow evolution
By Andreae Downs/Newton city councilor
Digging in on snow
By Wendy Landman/WalkBoston senior policy advisor

snow quotes

Well, I know now. I know a little more how much a simple thing like a snowfall can mean to a person.
—Sylvia Plath (born in Jamaica Plain)

Snowflakes are one of nature’smost fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.
—Vista M. Kelly

A lot of people like snow.
I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
—Carl Reiner

When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.


Registration or info for other events and public meetings can be found at walkboston.org/events

February 12, 2020 1-5PM
WalkMassachusetts Network 2020
South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc., 7 Bishop St, Framingham, MA 01702, USA (within a short walk of Framingham/ Worcester line.)

Our second in-person gathering of the WalkMassachusetts Network, at South Middlesex Opportunity Council in Framingham, MA (we will meet in their Cafe). This event is open to any local organizations working on walking! Free with RSVP. Please register by Wednesday, February 5th so we can plan for food.

March 25, 2020, 5-8PM
WalkBoston’s 30th Annual Party & Golden Shoe Awards
Boston Society of Architects
Fort Point Room / Atlantic Wharf 290 Congress Street, Boston
5:00 Eat, drink, schmooze
6:00 Program and Golden Shoes
Keynote Speaker: Mark Fenton
Tickets: $30 includes beer, wine and food.

Download the January/February 2020 Newsletter PDF