Tag: Route 20

Huntington Village Center Walk Audit

Huntington Village Center Walk Audit

Volunteers and staff members in the Town of Huntington responded to a Healthy Hampshire Request for Proposal for walkability project funding. The focus of Huntington’s proposal was the planning and construction of a “River Walk” along the Westfield River to better connect residents and visitors with the natural assets in the region. The proposal also suggested an analysis of the safety and quality of existing walking routes currently used by senior walking groups and running groups in Huntington. These routes include the proposed River Walk site.

Read the full report here:

Brightwood Neighborhood Walk Assessment

Brightwood Neighborhood Walk Assessment

A safe walking environment is a critical need for the Brightwood community, as 34 percent of neighborhood residents lack access to cars (compared to 18 percent of residents for the City of Spring eld as a whole). As a result, they are heavily dependent on walking or sporadic PVTA bus service to access food stores and other goods and services on nearby West and Main Streets. However, pedestrian connections to local bus stops and destinations outside the neighborhood are severely lacking and unsafe, and walking conditions within Brightwood are often poor as well.

Read the full report here: