Tag: Nahant Beach Reservation

Nahant Beach Rehabilitation Comment Letter

Nahant Beach Rehabilitation Comment Letter

July 15, 2008

Secretary Ian Bowles
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114

RE: Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) Rehabilitation of Nahant Beach Reservation, City of Lynn/Town of Nahant
MEPA # 14268

Dear Mr. Bowles:

We have reviewed the EENF for the Rehabilitation of Nahant Beach Reservation. As the Commonwealth’s leading advocate for pedestrians and safe walking, we have a responsibility to note projects that affect large groups of pedestrians within the state.

We commend the Department of Conservation and Recreation for their sensitive consideration of the needs of pedestrians who use the beach facilities. The work that has been done will lead to positive improvements in both rehabilitation of the facilities and upgrading to accommodate modern needs and concerns.

The retention and upgrade of the dune-top path that runs the full length of the Reservation will assure access for relatively long-distance walkers while providing a pleasant view and walk experience. New sidewalks within the parking lots and parallel to the Parkway will certainly make the lots safer for pedestrians, making for a pleasant experience for walkers who are being discouraged from taking informal paths across the dunes.

The plan has only one drawback: a fragment of a walk along the Lynn Harbor side of the Reservation is intriguing because it would offer a novel experience for walkers along a distinctly different side of the beach. Financing may prevent current upgrading of the walkway, but, over the long-term, we hope the addition of the harborwalk along the full length of the Reservation will become possible. Perhaps the steps involved in improving the Lynn Harbor side of the Reservation might be designed to accommodate (or not preclude) upgrade of the walkway along the harbor.

Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Nahant Beach Reservation project. Please feel free to contact us if further questions arise.


Wendy Landman
Executive Director