Tag: egremont

where we’ve been lately – May 2021 update

where we’ve been lately – May 2021 update

As summer approaches, we’ve been ramping up our work all over the Commonwealth!

Here are a few places we’ve been working with people lately, either in person or virtually, to help make their community more walkable:

  1. Blandford
  2. Boston
  3. Brockton
  4. Cambridge
  5. Chelsea
  6. Concord
  7. Cummington
  8. Egremont
  9. Haverhill
  10. Huntington
  11. Medford
  12. New Bedford
  13. Quincy
  14. Springfield
  15. Worcester
Egremont Walk Audit – Age-Friendly Walking

Egremont Walk Audit – Age-Friendly Walking

On Friday, August 23, 2019, WalkBoston conducted a walk audit in Egremont, MA along State Route 23/41, which serves as the Main Street of the South Egremont Village Center. MassDOT and members of the town are currently in the planning phase for a redesign of SR 23/41 to make the village center safer for all modes of transportation, including walking and biking. This walk audit was completed as part of WalkBoston’s Age-Friendly Walking initiative, which is a three year, statewide initiative to improve walking conditions in Massachusetts for people of all ages through policy implementation and built environment change.