Tag: CPA

Community Path Application Letter of Support Somerville

Community Path Application Letter of Support Somerville

December 3, 2015

City of Somerville,
Community Preservation Committee

Re: Support for Friends of the Community Path application for CPA funding

WalkBoston works across Massachusetts advocating for improved and safe pedestrian facilities. We are very enthusiastic about local efforts that enhance the pedestrian environment, and where possible help residents and municipalities implement new and improved walking facilities.

The Community Path is an important and well-loved component of Somerville’s walking network, and we believe that maintaining and enhancing the Path will provide ongoing benefits to the residents of Somerville.

WalkBoston is pleased to support the application by the Friends of Community Path for CPA funds to improve portions of the heavily used path including the following elements:

  • Repaving of the two sections of the Community Path from the Cambridge City line to Buena Vista Rd. and in the Davis Square area
  • Drainage improvements
  • Side path modifications to improve safety and to enhance use of the Path by runners
  • Possible small expansion of community garden area
  • Installation of historic artifacts specifically related to the Path and the former railroad use
  • Two community meeting to review and discuss the proposed improvements


We look forward to seeing these enhancements to the Community Path. Sincerely,

Wendy Landman
Executive Director