Tag: AVs

Bloomberg Baystate Business – Self-Driving Cars

Bloomberg Baystate Business – Self-Driving Cars

Bloomberg Radio: “Bloomberg Baystate Business: Self-Driving Cars

We also talked about self-driving cars in the wake of the decision to allow Nutonomy to test its cars throughout the city of Boston. Nutonomy President Karl Iagnemma joined us to give us the details. We also spoke with MIT research scientist Bryan Reimer about the technology. Taking a more cautious tone was Wendy Landman of Walk Boston.

(Wendy’s segment is on the broadcast from 00:44:03-00:51:50)

Originally aired June 22, 2018

Imperfect technology, Boston’s ‘chaotic’ streets raise fears of self-driving cars

Imperfect technology, Boston’s ‘chaotic’ streets raise fears of self-driving cars

Boston Herald: “Imperfect technology, Boston’s ‘chaotic’ streets raise fears of self-driving cars
By Mary Markos

But keeping them vigilant is another concern, raised by Wendy Landman, executive director of WalkBoston.

“Generally speaking, when you have people in the vehicles who don’t have much to do except watch out for possible problems, you need to make sure people can stay alert and really be on top of things,” Landman said. “It’s hard to pay attention when you’re not doing much.”

The intricate street patterns of Boston aren’t easy to navigate, Landman added.

“Nobody really knows how this is going to work,” she said. “How good will these vehicles be at dealing with the incredibly complicated environment that is Boston streets?”

Posted June 21, 2018