Tag: Ashland Street

Melrose High School/Middle School Campus Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility Project: Final Report

Melrose High School/Middle School Campus Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility Project: Final Report

WalkBoston and WatsonActive observed Middle School/High School arrival on April 25 and 27, 2017. Dismissal was not observed, as the traffic and safety issues identified by the key informants were focused on arrival. Additional infrastructure observations were also made.

The City Engineer requested a preliminary report recommending a project for possible inclusion in the City’s Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. WalkBoston and WatsonActive delivered a report of infrastructure recommendations for Melrose Street on April 28, 2017.

With the assistance of the MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program, online travel surveys were administered for both the High School and Middle School. These surveys collected information about how far away from school students live and their travel modes in the morning and afternoon. An additional parking survey was administered only to High School students who drive themselves to school. The High School travel and parking surveys were administered to students during class on June 6, 2017.

The Middle School travel survey was made available to Middle School parents from May 24 to June 12, 2017. Due to low initial participation, the Middle School travel survey was re-administered from June 14-30, 2017.

High School student focus groups were conducted on June 13, 2017 at Melrose High School.

Read the full report here:

WalkBoston-MelroseCampusBikePedProject-Final Report

Melrose Street Infrastructure Recommendations

Melrose Street Infrastructure Recommendations

Based on observations made during fieldwork and student arrival at the Melrose Middle School and High School campus, WalkBoston and WatsonActive recommend the following improvements be considered on Melrose Street between the Lynn Fells Parkway intersection and the Tremont Street intersection.

Mass in Motion Melrose High School/Middle School Campus Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility Project