Joint Comment Letter Re: Seaport Square Notice of Project Change

Joint Comment Letter Re: Seaport Square Notice of Project Change

June 17, 2022

To: Nick Carter, BPDA
Re: Seaport Square Notice of Project Change

Dear Mr. Carter,

Our collective organizations are pleased to provide comments on the Notice of Project Change for the Seaport Square Project. Overall we are very supportive of the public realm improvements proposed in the NPC, specifically:

  1. The expansion of the amount of open space and green space to be constructed on Block F of the Project. We believe the addition of this space will enhance Seaport Common as a community-oriented gathering place, offering more space for both structured and unstructured outdoor activities in the area.
  2. The inclusion of a direct pedestrian connection between the Harbor Way linear park and Fan Pier Green. The Seaport area is in desperate need of more accessible and direct pedestrian connections throughout the neighborhood. This connection will help close one of these gaps.
  3. The proponent’s commitment to replace paint-only bicycle lanes on the Evelyn Moakley Bridge with protected cycling infrastructure. Protected cycling facilities are long overdue and will both promote more cycling in the neighborhood and help calm the often speeding motor vehicles on the bridge.
  4. The significant increase in the volume of residential uses and percentage of on-site affordable housing to be constructed on Blocks L-3 and L-6 of the Project.
  5. The creation of additional Transportation Network Company (TNC) pick- up/drop-off zones along Seaport Boulevard and Northern Avenue.

The neighborhood, and City as a whole, is in desperate need of additional open space and affordable housing. We believe the proponent is making a good faith effort to address these needs in the NPC. Additionally the proposed project changes are aligned with the City’s mode shift, climate and green space goals and we believe will enhance the overall experience of those traveling to and through the neighborhood.

Stacy Thompson
Executive Director, LivableStreets

Wendy Landman
Senior Policy Advisor, WalkBoston

Becca Wolfson
Executive Director, Boston Cyclists Union

Galen Mook
Executive Director, Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition

Comments are closed.