Webinar this Wednesday: Best Practices for Hosting a Virtual Walking Event

Webinar this Wednesday: Best Practices for Hosting a Virtual Walking Event

America Walks Presents: “Best Practices for Hosting a Virtual Walking Event”

DATE: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT

Bryan Romey, Walk with a Doc Program Coordinator
Anthony Fleg, Family Medicine Physician and Native Health Initiative Partnership Director
Brendan Kearney, WalkBoston Deputy Director

Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5342105200156786957

In a year that carried the undertone of general collective heartache and cancelled in-person events we learned a whole lot – and one thing we learned was the vast power and potential for virtual convenings and events to successfully connect people from all walks of life around walking, moving and advocating for healthy, people-first communities.

Hear from panelists from three different walking/moving organizations who have recent, hands-on experience and knowledge around developing virtual walking/moving events in our sphere. From the retrospective technical details to the future implementation and vision of what virtual convenings might mean for inclusion and improving community input – we’ll cover the full range of best practices for hosting virtual events that aim to promote physical activity and mobility for all people.

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