One Minute, One Slide: September 2020 Presentations & Video
Presented as part of the #WalkBoston30th Annual Meeting, September 23, 2020 on Zoom. As we have done in past years, WalkBoston staff members each gave a one minute, one slide presentation. Video segment below. We’ve included the text as prepared for each person’s presentation at the links underneath the video.
Brendan Kearney – Walking & Communicating in the time of COVID
One Minute, One Slide: Walking & Communicating in the time of COVID
LeighAnne Taylor – WalkMA & Framingham Youth Walking Advocates
One Minute, One Slide: WalkMA & Framingham Youth Walking Advocates
Wendy Landman – Age-Friendly Walking in Boston and Beyond
One Minute, One Slide: Age-Friendly Walking in Boston and Beyond
Jenny Choi – Using Data to Storytell & Move towards Action
One Minute, One Slide: Using Data to Storytell & Move towards Action
Ayesha Mehrotra – Racial Inequities in Walking & Gateway Cities Walkable TOD
One Minute, One Slide: Racial Inequities in Walking & Gateway Cities Walkable TOD
Bob Sloane – Allston I90: The Saga Continues
Althea Wong-Achorn – Intro & Beat the Bay State Team Challenge
One Minute, One Slide: Althea Wong-Achorn Intro & Beat the Bay State Challenge