Walkability & Main Street Resilience Recording
Thank you to our panelists, Alia and Che, and all of you who joined us for Walkability and Main Street Resilience!
In case you missed it, the panel discussion was recorded and is available here. We hope you will watch and share it to learn ways you can help the main street businesses that make your community walkable.
If you want to learn more about Roslindale Village Main Street and some of the efforts happening in Roslindale that Alia shared, head to the RVMS website.
Remember to keep supporting your main street businesses, and advocating for enough open space for walking and shopping local:
- Let your city/town officials know if you like how your neighborhood main streets are adapting to outdoor dining and providing more space for walking
- If you see a conflict point between walking and dining, reach out to your city hall and advocate for more space
- Support local businesses using the tips mentioned by the panelists, such as purchasing goods/services, or sharing and liking their social media content
- Highlight what is working well. Share with @WalkBoston on Twitter or email: info@walkboston.org
If you work for a town, municipality, or small business in Massachusetts and would like to implement the ideas discussed during this panel in your community, check out some of these resources to get started:
City of Boston Reopen Fund (for small businesses)
MassDOT’s Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program
Mass Development’s COVID-19 Response Round: Resurgent Places Funding
Solomon Foundation’s Streets for Recovery Grant Program
Additional Resources
MAPC Webinar on Navigating MassDOT’s New Grant Program
City of Boston Guidance for Temporary Extensions on Public Property
MAPC: Webinar on local permitting pre and post-COVID-19
NACTO: “Streateries” webinar on restaurants and physical distancing
More about current funding opportunities: