Can we help make crossing Route 2 in Concord safer?

Can we help make crossing Route 2 in Concord safer?

That’s the question the Town of Concord, Emerson Hospital, MassDOT District 4 and WalkBoston were asking on Tuesday at the Route 2/Old Road to 9 Acre Corner intersection. Currently, Emerson Hospital runs a shuttle across Route 2 to get their staff safely back and forth – a distance of less than a 1/4 of a mile. While there are no easy answers, the group discussed adjusting signal phasing, exploring the pros/cons of Right-Turn-On-Red, and educating Emerson staff about how pedestrian signals work. Some improvements are already in process – new sidewalks, curb ramps and countdown signals. We look forward to hearing back from all involved to see what additional safety improvements are made.

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