First WalkMassachusetts Network Forum in the books!

First WalkMassachusetts Network Forum in the books!

Photo by Price Armstrong, Holyoke Bicycle Pedestrian Committee

Thank you for your lively conversations, your questions, your suggestions, and for taking part in the first WalkMassachusetts Network gathering in Worcester. Stacey had the opportunity to present the successful results of our meeting last night at the 10 in 1 StreetTalks event put on by LivableStreets. So we bet participation in the Network will grow to include even more groups working on walking throughout the Commonwealth.

As promised, we are launching the WalkMassachusetts Network online forum. Below is a link to sign into the forum; once logged in, there is an automated helper that can walk you through different features. Additional info is pinned as a banner at the top of the page, which includes instructions on how to modify your email preferences. After poking around a bit, please let us know if you any issues using the online forum. We have already added the slides from Saturday and the notes from each breakout group to help get things started.

Create your account on the forum here

We can’t wait to read about your successes and challenges as you work to make your communities more walkable. We look forward to witnessing the peer-to-peer learning that will surely flourish as this Network continues to grow – both online and in person. If you haven’t yet, check out the list of participating groups/communities and add your group.

Thanks for all that you do and your support of WalkBoston.

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