Front Page of the Globe – “How Dangerous, No One Knows” highlights gaps in Boston crash data

Front Page of the Globe – “How Dangerous, No One Knows” highlights gaps in Boston crash data

This article was featured on the front page of the Boston Globe, Tuesday, 8/19/2014 – click here for the full story 

By not reporting crashes to the state, [Boston] may have missed out on grants and programs such as an innovative MassDOT effort to improve enforcement, awareness, and infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Announced in April, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Awareness and Enforcement Program will share about a half-million dollars to help 12 communities around the state pay for stepped-up enforcement and awareness campaigns such as training for the public and police.

Landman and WalkBoston have been participating in walking audits in high-crash areas like Fall River and Chelsea. That information, along with feedback from the program’s enforcement component, will help to identify hazards, with the state helping to make infrastructure improvements in the future.

“Understanding what’s going on is important before you come up with solutions,” Landman said. 


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