Newton: Upper Falls Walking Map

Newton: Upper Falls Walking Map

A hidden mill village on the Charles River, Newton Upper Falls is tucked into a busy corner of the metropolitan area. On this walk you will see a potpourri of 18th- and 19th-century architecture, many charming hilly and curving streets, and a major National Historic Landmark–Echo Bridge over the Charles River’s Hemlock Gorge.

Upper Falls was settled at the largest falls on the Charles River. Native Americans discovered the falls and established fish weirs here to harvest eels and other freshwater fish. In 1688 John Clark bought rights to build at the falls from Chief Nahatan for £12 sterling. By 1813, when a cotton mill was installed, industrial buildings lined the gorge from the falls area to the newly built Worcester Turnpike (now Rte 9). Within 40 years 1/4th of Newton’s population lived and worked in Upper Falls. Today a large portion of the village is protected as an historic district. Of the 150 buildings that existed 100 years ago in Upper Falls, 118 still stand.

Click for “WalkBoston Upper Falls Newton Walking Map” on Google Maps

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