Rose Kennedy Greenway Walking Map 2005

Rose Kennedy Greenway Walking Map 2005

Our Greenway work since 1992 A key factor in the success of the Rose Kennedy Greenway will be its walkability. When the Central Artery Project (CA/T) received its environmental approvals in 1991, only 6 lanes were approved for the new streets above the tunnel. However, at the request of the City of Boston, CA/T staff was designing 10 lanes.

WalkBoston and Move Massachusetts 2000, with support from CA/T, created the Pedestrian Issues Forum to re-examine the design. Two years later, in A Pedestrian Perspective on the Central Artery Project [1994], narrower roadways and wider sidewalks were recommended. After more persistent advocacy, the City reversed its position and supported the new approach.

Then, the Mayor convened the public-private Surface Transportation Action Forum [STAF] to further resolve design details for the Greenway, such as sidewalk and lane widths, and corner curb radii. STAF’s conclusions became official CA/T Project commitments. Together, the Greenway design and the new WALK light policy enhance the attractiveness of the Greenway for walkers.

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