Boston: Outer Neighborhoods Maps
One of the many benefits of walking is that you see and experience things you’d miss using other modes of travel. And the best way to enjoy them is with a WalkBoston map.
Our maps feature places that are wonderful to walk, easy to navigate, and convenient to get around. Each one is created by those know the territory best – people who live there or are expert in a walk’s particular theme or topic.
Each has a self-guided walk with a detailed route, distances and descriptions of sights and scenes. Download one or all of them from this site, or join WalkBoston and request the maps you want – printed on heavy paper in our distinctive colors. Or join us on one of our guided walks.
These maps explore the neighborhoods of Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Hyde Park, Roslindale, and Roxbury–all south of Boston’s urban core.
Click on a push pin to get a link to the local map, and then go take a walk!
Click for “WalkBoston – Boston’s Outer Neighborhoods Walking Map” and more maps on Google Maps